Questions for Figure 2, part 3

Instructions: Answer the multiple choice questions, guessing if necessary; then click on the "Check my answers" button to see your score. The correct answers are not revealed, but you can change any answers and recheck. (When all of your answers are correct, the page background will change colors.)

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Figure 238. The axons of neurons in Structure #26 form the
A. Medial vestibulospinal tract 
B. Mesencephalic trigeminal tract 
C. Lateral vestibulospinal tract 
D. Solitary tract 
E. Medial longitudinal fasciculus 
No Answer
39. The neurons of Structure #26 have which of the following effects on motor function?
A .Excite flexors & inhibit extensors
B. Excite extensors & inhibit flexors
C. Excite flexors, inhibit extensors & mediate head turning reflex
D. Excite extensors, inhibit flexors & mediate head turning reflex
E. Mediate head turning reflex 
No Answer
40. Neurons in Structure #27 synapse with axons from
A. Frontal eye field 
B. Temporal eye field 
C. Pontine paramedian reticular formation 
D. Dorsolateral pontine nuclei 
E. Superior colliculus 
No Answer
41. The axons of neurons in Structure #27 terminate in the
A. ipsilateral lateral rectus & ipsilateral oculomotor nucleus
B. ipsilateral lateral rectus & contralateral oculomotor nucleus
C. contralateral lateral rectus & ipsilateral oculomotor nucleus
D. contralateral lateral rectus & contralateral oculomotor nucleus
E. contralateral medial rectus 
No Answer
42. The neurons of Structure #27 are part of which of the following circuits?
A. eyelid blink reflex 
B. pupillary light reflex 
C. voluntary saccades 
D. lens accommodation 
E. convergence 
No Answer
43. Neurons in Structure #30 synapse with axons from
A. Motor cortex & neostriatum
B. Motor cortex & cerebellar nuclei
C. Motor cortex & substantia nigra
D. Neostriatum & substantia nigra 
E. Pontine nuclei 
No Answer
44. The axons of neurons in Structure #30 descend the neuraxis in the
A. Tectospinal tract 
B. Central tegmental tract 
C. Rubrospinal tract 
D. Medial longitudinal fasciculus 
E. Medullary reticulospinal tract 
No Answer
45. The neurons of Structure #30 have which of the following effects on motor function?
A. Facilitate voluntary responses & Inhibit voluntary responses
B. Inhibit voluntary responses & Inhibit reflex responses
C. Facilitate voluntary responses, inhibit voluntary responses & influence muscle tone
D. Facilitate voluntary responses, facilitate reflex responses & influence muscle tone 
E. Inhibit voluntary responses, inhibit reflex responses & Influence muscle tone
No Answer

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