Questions for Figure 1, part 2

Instructions: Answer the multiple choice questions, guessing if necessary; then click on the "Check my answers" button to see your score. The correct answers are not revealed, but you can change any answers and recheck. (When all of your answers are correct, the page background will change colors.)

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10. Axons in STRUCTURE #1 originate from
A. nasal retina of ipsilateral eye& temporal retina of the ipsilateral eye
B. nasal retina of ipsilateral eye& temporal retina of the contralateral eye
C. nasal retina of the contralateral eye& temporal retina of the ipsilateral eye
D. nasal retina of the contralateral eye& temporal retina of the contralateral eye
E. nasal retina of ipsilateral eye& nasal retina of the contralateral eye
No Answer

11. Damage to STRUCTURE #1 would result in

A. Blind ipsilesional eye 
B. Ipsilesional homonymous hemianopia with macular sparing 
C. Ipsilesional homonymous hemianopia 
D. Contralesional homonymous hemianopia with macular sparing 
E. Contralesional homonymous hemianopia 
No Answer
Figure 112. Neurons in Structure #2 receive major input from
A. Cerebral cortex & Neostriatum
B. Cerebral cortex & Substantia nigra
C. Cerebral cortex & Mediate head turning reflex
D. Neostriatum & Pontine nuclei 
E. Neostriatum & Substantia nigra
No Answer
13. The axons of neurons in Structure #2 form the
A. Tectospinal tract 
B. Ansalenticularis 
C. Rubrospinal tract 
D. Thalamic fasciculus 
E. Internal medullary lamina 
No Answer
14. The neurons of Structure #2 have which of the following effects on motor function?
A. Excite flexors & Inhibit extensors 
B. Excite extensors & Inhibit flexors 
C. Excite flexors, Inhibit extensors, & Mediate head turning reflex 
D. Excite extensors, Inhibit flexors, & Mediate head turning reflex 
E. Mediate head turning reflex 
No Answer
15. Neurons in Structure #3 receive major input from
A. Postcentral gyrus 
B. Neostriatum 
C. CM of thalamus 
D. VA & VL of the thalamus 
E. Superior colliculus 
No Answer
16. The neurons in Structure #3 send major output to
A. Postcentral gyrus & Globus pallidus
B. Neostriatum, & VA & VL of the thalamus 
C. Postcentral gyrus, VA & VL of the thalamus  & Subthalamic nucleus 
D. Neostriatum, Globus pallidus & Subthalamic nucleus 
E. Subthalamic nucleus 
No Answer
17. The neurons of Structure #3
A. Are rich in enkephalin-positive cells and nerve terminals. 
B. Mediate reflexes associated with the head 
C. Synthesize norepinephrine 
D. Are the source of dopaminergic innervation of the striatum 
E. Are the major site of noradrenergic fibers to the forebrain 
No Answer
18. Neurons in Structure #6 synapse with axons from
A. nasal retina of ipsilateral eye & temporal retina of the ipsilateral eye
B. nasal retina of ipsilateral eye & temporal retina of the contralateral eye
C. nasal retina of the contralateral eye & temporal retina of the ipsilateral eye
D. nasal retina of the contralateral eye & temporal retina of the contralateral eye
E. nasal retina of ipsilateral eye & nasal retina of the contralateral eye 
No Answer
19. The axons of neurons in Structure #6 travel in the
A. Tectospinal tract 
B. Medial longitudinal fasciculus 
C. Rubrospinal tract 
D. Posterior commissure 
E. Brachium of the superior colliculus 
No Answer
20. The neurons in Structure #6 control
A. pupillary light reflex 
B. pupillary accommodation 
C. convergence 
D. neck & head turning reflexes 
E. vestibular nystagmus 
No Answer

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