More Practice, Figure 15
Here is another image with which you can practice, but there are no answers provided. Try answering these questions for each of the four pointers.
A. The structure at the tip of the pointer is _______?
B. The axons that terminate in this structure travel in which nerves or tracts? __________
C. The information processed by this structure includes which of the following?
- Taste
- Head rotation or tilt
- Pain from the face
- Position of the leg
- Vibration from the hand
- Bladder distension
- Unconscious proprioception
- Pain from the leg
- Auditory
- Eyelid position
D. The axons that originate in this structure form or join which tract(s)? _______________
E. If the structure at the tip of the pointer is damaged, whichof the following symptoms would occur?
- Loss of pain on the ipsilateral face
- Loss of pain on the contralateral face
- Loss of position sense on the ipsilateral body
- Loss of vibration sense on the contralateral side
- Vertigo and/or nystagmus
- Loss of taste in the anterior ipsilateral tongue
- Decrease in visceral sensation
- Ataxia
- Loss of touch on ipsilateral face
- Loss of touch on contralateral face
F. The structure at the tip of the pointer is part of which of the following pathways?
- Medial lemniscal
- Posterior spinocerebellar
- Vestibular
- Spinal trigeminal
- Gustatory
- Visceral sensory
- Neospinothalamic
- Main sensory trigeminal
- Anterior spinocerebellar
- Cuneocerebellar
G. The axons that originate in this structure end in which of the following?
- Ventral Posteromedial nucleus of the Thalamus
- Ventral Posterolateral nucleus of the Thalamus
- Ventral Posterior Inferior nucleus of the Thalamus
- Central Median nucleus of the Thalamus
- Cerebellum
H. The cortical area receiving information from the structure at the tip of the pointer is ________?