Questions for Figure 3

Instructions: Answer the multiple choice questions, guessing if necessary; then click on the "Check my answers" button to see your score. The correct answers are not revealed, but you can change any answers and recheck. (When all of your answers are correct, the page background will change colors.)

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Figure 317. The structure at the tip of the pointer is which of the following?
A. Medial vestibular nucleus 
B. Solitary nucleus 
C. Gracile nucleus 
D. Cuneate nucleus 
E. Spinal trigeminal nucleus 
F. Inferior vestibular nucleus 
G. Lateral cuneate nucleus 
H. Lateral vestibular nucleus 
I. Main sensory trigeminal nucleus 
J. Superior olivary complex 
No Answer
18. The axons that terminate in this structure travel in which of the following nerves or tracts?
A. Vestibular nerve 
B. Solitary tract 
C. Fasciculus gracilis 
D. Fasciculus cuneatus 
E. Spinal trigeminal tract 
F. Hypoglossal nerve 
G. Trigeminal nerve 
H. Central tegmental tract 
I. Cuneocerebellar tract 
J. Anterior spinocerebellar tract 
No Answer
19. The information processed by this structure includes which of the following?
A. Taste 
B. Head rotation or tilt 
C. Pain from the face 
D. Position of the leg 
E. Vibration from the hand 
F. Bladder distension 
G. Unconscious proprioception 
H. Pain from the leg 
I. Auditory 
J. Eyelid position 
No Answer
20. The axons that originate in this structure form or join which of the following tracts?
A. Medial longitudinal fasciculus 
B. Tractus solitarius 
C. Ventral trigeminal lemniscus 
D. Medial lemniscus 
E. Central tegmental tract 
F. Lateral lemniscus 
G. Inferior cerebellar peduncle 
H. Spinal trigeminal tract 
I. Spinothalamic tract 
J. Lateral vestibulospinal tract 
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