Questions for Figure 6

Instructions: Answer the matching questions, by entering an item in the left column. If the answer is correct, it will be copied into the adjacent box; otherwise an error will appear in the box. (When all of your answers are filled in and correct, the page background will change colors.)

This quiz is for your own practice only; no record of your progress is kept or reported to anyone.

Make the BEST match. NOTE: You must click off of a line for the program to check your answer!

Figure 6

Structure 6a
Structure 6d
Structure 6f
Structure 6g
Structure 6i
Structure 6j
Structure 6l
1. Amygdala
2. Body of caudate nucleus
3. Globus pallidus
4. Lateral ventricle
5. Optic chiasm
6. Optic tract
7. Putamen
8. Third ventricle

next page

Possible points: 7

Freeware programming origninally provided by Think Again Quiz Maker
and modified in the Multimedia Scriptorium. Questions provided by Dr. C. Tsuchitani.