Questions for Figure 2, part 2

Instructions: Answer the multiple choice questions, guessing if necessary; then click on the "Check my answers" button to see your score. The correct answers are not revealed, but you can change any answers and recheck. (When all of your answers are correct, the page background will change colors.)

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NOTE: You must click off of a line for the program to check your answer!

Figure 2

1. Which of the following arteries supplies blood to Structure 2d
Anterior cerebral artery 
Middle cerebral artery 
Posterior cerebral artery 
Subclavian artery 
Common carotid artery 
No Answer
2. Which of the following arteries supplies blood to Structure 2a
Anterior cerebral artery 
Middle cerebral artery 
Posterior cerebral artery 
Subclavian artery 
Common carotid artery 
No Answer
3. Which of the following arteries supplies blood to Structure 2h
Anterior cerebral artery 
Middle cerebral artery 
Posterior cerebral artery 
Subclavian artery 
Common carotid artery 
No Answer
4. Which of the following will result from damage to Structure 2a
Loss of hearing 
Loss of sensation from the contralateral body 
Loss of taste 
Loss of vision 
Paralysis of contralateral half of body 
No Answer

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Freeware programming origninally provided by Think Again Quiz Maker
and modified in the Multimedia Scriptorium. Questions provided by Dr. C. Tsuchitani.